Enterprise Architecture 4.0

Take advantage of new opportunities in the industry

Contrary to some preconceived ideas, Industry 4.0 does not mean more automation or robotization, but better integration of information flows between machines, people, products and end users, taking advantage of an upgrade more abundant data than in the past.
Exploiting these data sources, numerous technologies have emerged, and are frequently associated with the notion of Industry 4.0, including augmented reality, additive manufacturing, Big Data, Internet of Tools (IoT), etc. . At the same time, already existing tools such as PLM, ERP, MES or CRM can also benefit from these data sources and many companies wish to renew them in a more integrated and more global approach.

The four industrial revolutions

How to take advantage of the new possibilities of Industry 4.0…

while avoiding the main pitfalls of digital transformations?

The first risk is simply losing sight of the meaning of these digital transformations by launching costly projects for new technological solutions without studying the real needs: what will these technologies be used for? What needs does the implemented digital transformation meet? What are the business objectives?
Indeed, Industry 4.0 brings its share of technical possibilities that it can be tempting to push within a company. However, these technological approaches will remain useless (and costly) if they do not meet the company’s business objectives.
Furthermore, carrying out a digital transformation without obtaining employee buy-in on the expected gains can compromise understanding of the general interest, particularly for those who will be impacted by said transformation.
Finally, a very high risk appears by neglecting the collaborative dimension of the different stakeholders of such a transformation and by not having an integrated business/IT vision of the overall project to be considered and its roadmap. Most transformation failures come from transformations that are either too business (business) oriented or too information system oriented. Too business (business) oriented, when the transformation project is mainly driven by the wishes of management, and does not integrate the technical constraints linked to the information system, thus leading to relying on a simplistic IT solution, unconsolidated and risk-free. Too information system oriented, when the project wishes to implement a technical solution without having collected and understood the business needs of employees, taking the risk of an off-the-shelf digital transformation and not meeting the company’s expectations.

An enterprise architecture approach makes it possible to adapt the opportunities offered by Industry 4.0 to the specific needs of each company and to avoid pitfalls.

Guarantee the optimal overall design of the company and enable transversal management of specific flows.
Increase the flexibility of the company (ability to adapt quickly to demand).
Identifier et dynamiser les activités à forte valeur ajoutée.
Drive the business using data, using digital twins of products as well as industrial and support processes.
Standardize and equip business processes to eliminate digital discontinuities.
Bring value to data from manufacturing and support, to reinject it into the technical design of the product.
Enable and support the co-design of products, industrial systems and services, by defining new processes, roles and tools.
Systematize co-design practices in any business transformation project.

The main principles of enterprise architecture 4.0

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CESAMES Academy – Training

Digital Transformation:
the fundamentals of enterprise architecture

Enterprise architecture is a systems analysis approach and an international methodological standard for integrated business and IT design. The implementation of this approach makes it possible to better control the complexity of organizations and information systems to improve their efficiency and performance.

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