System Architecture

Collaborative Digital Format

How to use Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) to design a complex system?

The objective of this training is to give you the keys and the methodology to design better products by reducing design times and costs. With this training, you learn, remotely and interactively, to better master the Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) approach. The plus of this training: 12 e-learning modules and 3 interactive and collaborative virtual classes.

Why take this training?
Mastering the complexity of the industrial systems and projects you work on within your industrial organizations is increasingly difficult. The insufficient maturity of the integration processes of these complex industrial systems and the operation in silos are often the cause of these problems, the difficulty in correctly capturing the needs of your internal or external customers as well. We offer you an introduction to systemic modeling and collaborative dynamics to help you better control the costs, quality and performance of the complex industrial systems you design and/or manage.

Training objectives
At the end of the training, you will be able to:

Understand how model-based systems engineering can help any system designer to better connect key stakeholders needs to design choices
Understand the main principles of systems analysis in order to implement a system architecture approach within your organisation
Understand what a need and a requirement are
Understand the three system architecture views used to describe any complex system
Architect the environment and needs of your system
Architect the functions, components and requirements of your system

Organisation of the training
The distance learning course is spread over 10 days, in 3 periods, with for each period a sequence of 4 e-learning modules punctuated at the end of the sequence by a collaborative and interactive virtual classroom. At the end of the course, participants will have one week to take the CESAM Associate certification test (see the assessment and certification procedures on the right) and join a community of over 10,000 people.

Methods used

We dedicate a large part of our modules to exchange and practice to facilitate learning. Thus, we offer a course that alternates 12 e-learning modules and 3 interactive and collaborative virtual classes of 3 hours, operated on the Klaxoon platform.

(1/3) An interactive course of 12 e-learning modules
The theoretical content of this training consists of 12 e-learning modules of 30 minutes each. The course of the e-learning modules, carried out on the online collaborative tool Klaxoon to promote interactivity, is organized according to the logic of the CESAM architecture reference system (CESAMES Systems Architecture Method).

(2/3) Organization of e-learning
Each e-learning module is structured in 4 parts including:
1__ an “introduction” which presents the vocabulary definitions and the diagrams to be built (what is a use case, what is a functional mode, etc.).
2__ a “concept analysis” sequence which presents the methodology that will be applied for a given analysis as well as the associated diagrams (such as the “life cycle diagram” or the “functional interaction diagram”).
3__ a “summary of key points” sequence which is a summary page of the definitions: this summary can be downloaded as well as the associated model diagram, under Microsoft Office.
4__ a “quiz” with generally 4 questions to confirm that you have understood the concepts presented.

Screenshots of an e-learning sequence

(3/3) Collaborative and interactive virtual classes
After each block of 4 e-learning modules, a 3-hour live virtual class is organised. This virtual class, led by a senior architect, is organised on then Klaxoon online platform. It allows to answer all the questions of the participants, to discuss the application of the concepts within the framework of their professional experiences and finally to implement together the notions approached on an example. The animation of these sessions is very interactive – the participants are asked to contribute with post-its on an online digital board, their contributions being challenged by the trainer, if necessary – and very collaborative – the architecture of a system is done collectively in real time. The use case chosen for the exercises is the construction of the architecture of a delivery drone.

Screenshots from the collaborative sessions

Key information

Who should attend? You are engineers, project managers, managers or directors, and you are involved in the design or management of product systems or complex projects.

Prerequisites: Have at least 3 years of experience in the field of design and management of complex industrial systems.

100% online: Follow the collaborative online training sessions and consult the e-learning modules independently.

80% collaborative: 10 hours of the 21-hour course are spent in a virtual classroom (a digital room) interacting with our trainers and other participants.

Duration: The training lasts 21 hours and is spread over 10 days, consisting of 1h kick-off meeting, 10,5 hours of virtual classes, 12 e-learning modules of 45 minutes each and a certification test of 45min.

Cost: The price of the course is €3,200 VAT included.

Language: English.

Trainer: CESAMES senior architect.

Evaluation & Certification: This training is part of the CESAM skills development course and allows you to pass the CESAM Associate level 1 certification. The issuance of the certification is conditional on obtaining 30 correct answers to an online multiple choice questionnaire (MCQ) comprising 40 random questions on system architecture topics. The price of the certification is 200 € including VAT.

Other certification available: After completing this training, it is possible to obtain partial CESAM Confirmed certification by validating the “Architecture of a complex system” skill block of our “System Architect” skill set, subject to following a complementary dedicated coaching programme enabling this skill to be applied to an application project. Please contact us for more details at

Evaluation of satisfaction: Satisfaction questionnaire completed by each trainee.

Contact us 
— +33 (0)1 40 15 54 27

CESAMES is a training provider registered under the number 11 75 46653 75.

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