Systems Architecture

A strategic advantage for manufacturers

Development of complex projects

Pitfalls and consequences

Complex projects are characterized by the multiplicity of components, technologies, actors and above all by the number of interfaces to be mastered. Furthermore, the duration of projects combined with the acceleration of developments in processes and services means that most study phases will be initiated while many structuring parameters have not yet been defined.

In this context, this leads to the following classic pitfalls:

Operation/engineering, MOAD/MOE, Upstream/Downstream, Project/Project,… in silos.
Arbitrations made locally which do not favor global optima.
Too many sequential activities.

The major consequences are:

A gap between what is expected and what is ultimately delivered.
A lack of mastery of the solution developed.
Soaring costs and delays in deadlines.

The CESAMES approach

Immediate added value

Improve operational efficiency

The architecture of the system makes it possible to reduce costs while developing the activity by being frugal in the design, development and maintenance phases and it optimizes the investment/profit ratio by relying on the systemic approach “according to the needs “.

Guarantee coverage of needs

The system architecture allows parts of a product to be modified at any time, avoiding the domino effect, and generates differentiating and competitive solutions by balancing the points of view and risks of stakeholders during the call phase. ‘offers.

Improve the skills of the project team

CESAMES strengthens the team’s skills by developing systems architecture skills internally and it empowers team members so that they can develop their own points of view and be autonomous.

Our difference

Our integrated systems architecture approach is based on the CESAM systems architecture framework based on models and a collaborative way of working.

A strategic competitive advantage

Architecture is a systemic approach and an international standard of engineering methodology that provides an explicit and holistic representation of a complex system.
A product, an organization or an information system is said to be “complex” when it is characterized by numerous actors and must cover interconnected components.
This leads to integration problems during the design, development and production (manufacturing, operation) phases.
Using an architectural approach, when developing complex systems, allows you to design the right solution and design the right solution. It offers rational and collaborative methods for making optimal and shared decisions while securing and reducing costs and delivery times.


He models problems by integrating all their dimensions.


He finds simple solutions to complex problems.


It builds consensus within project teams.


It supports decision-making in a complex environment.


He designs and implements complex transformations.


It secures the implementation of complex projects.

Nos webinaires en Architecture de Systèmes

Comment savoir concrètement mettre en œuvre une démarche d’architecture de systèmes ?

Tout savoir sur la formation-action en architecture système

Bénéfices et points de vigilance d’un architecte système au sein d’une équipe projet

Retour d’expérience sur la formation-action en architecture de systèmes

CESAMES Academy – Training

in systems architecture

In an increasingly complex environment, systems architecture methods are crucial to ensure business competitiveness. They make it possible to secure and reduce the costs of complex systems development projects, to improve their quality, their efficiency, their “time to market” and their performances.

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